Board of Directors

Photo, left to right

Dick Staples, Director
Representing District 4
Contact: 320-965-2345

Jolene Vipond, Director
Representing District 1
Contact: 320-284-2490

Bob Leegaard, President
Representing District 3
Contact: 320-528-2470

Tory Belgum, Vice President
Representing District 5
Contact: 320-283-5895

John Kapphahn, Secretary/Treasurer
Representing District 2
Contact: 218-685-4604


Kent Hedstrom, CEO – General Manager
Work phone:  320-986-2013
Home phone: 218-685-4999
Click here to contact Kent directly





Articles of Incorporation & By-Laws

To view the complete Articles of Incorporation, CLICK HERE

To view the complete By-laws, CLICK HERE

To view the 2023 Annual Report, CLICK HERE